As I was in the bus I heard two friends discussing about how useless art is. They seemed so confident and bold as they spoke they told each other that art was a waste of time. That we didn't need it to survive their exact words were

"A song a book or a drawing is not going to help me in life. If I am dying I will need medicines and machines to help me not something on a stupid piece of paper" they said.

I regret just standing there and not even trying to try and knock some sense into these people, so here I am, a normal, 14 year old, Canadian girl, sitting behind her laptop typing furiously.
Why you may ask? Well I have a 2 things to say.
1.) Sorry
2) Thank You
I am so sorry for not standing up, for the people who have made such a huge impact on my life. I am sorry.

Art is the most valuable thing we have.
To all the artists who have made me who I am today, thank you. Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, Taylor Swift, Sarah Dessen, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Rick Yancey, Meg Cabot, John Green, Selena Gomez, J.K Rowling, Harper Lee, and many more. ( I will make a list thanking all artists separately in the next week). Thank you to each and every artist in the world. Whether you are a best selling author or a normal kid going to music classes. I want to say Thank You for taking a step towards creativity. Art is valuable because it really is the closest thing we have to magic.
You wrote "Taylor Swift" twice.